Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3 Series..Thank You Everybody... ^_^

Salam..Wargh, tgk pada heading title utk entry kali ni, mcm nak beli or bawak  3 Series je kan.huhuu. Tapi bukan itu dlm pala hotak aku skrg ni, tp memetik pada kate seorang member aku psl, status umur ku yg dah mencecah angka 3_.hahaha..ye ke, tak la. Aku ckp, stil 26 kot..kui..kui..kui..Tapi itulah realitinyer kan. Ape pun aku bersyukur dengan apa saja keadaan dan bersyukur dikurniakan rezeki, kesihatan yang baik dan dipanjangkan umur.. Alhamdulillah pada mu Allah s.w.t

Apa yang menarik sangat dgn 3 series ni?..huhu..biase je la kan, cuma tahun ni family members except my bro tak dtg..Ape buatnyer?.Cuba untuk.membelanjakan diaorng semua pekena di Penang Village di Alamanda..Niat aku mmg nak belanja, dengan rezeki hasil titik peluh aku sendiri yang aku terima lebih skit bulan lepas dan juga bersempena dengan Bday aku..Tapi dek sbb sedap sgt, bapak aku la sponsor lak mlm tu..huhuhu..thanx to u Abah, Mak, Akak, Lya (Anak Buah ku) Syahirah dan Shafika (Adik2 pompuan ku)..All pun happy, sebab makan sedap kan..Pusing2 di sekitar Putrajaya, menengok indahnyer Putrajaya time malam..yup true enuff mmg lawa lah..

Dah pusing2 baliklah ke rumah akak aku di kajang perdana.. Detik menjelang 12 mlm, 7 Mac 2010, itulah tandanyer, 3 Series itu..Waktu ku itu, di iringi dengan deringan telefon drpd seseorang nun di Utara..wargh! bukan salam yg aku terima tapi nyanyian Hari Jadi buat aku..hohoho..Very the touching, aku dinyanyikan live thru phone time tu..Yup aku akui,gembira, terharu, tergaru-garu..hahahaha..Thanx to u, ms singer..Lovely besday song u sing to me that nite...Really appreciate & LUV that..*wink*...u just as sweet as u are...hehehe
(A year older, A Lot Wiser).Very The Thank u.. And there goes after that, few smses to phone aku.To those, my gud fren Nuren, Jaja, Apai, Amtut, and lots more yg sms aku time tu, aku ucap terima kasih atas ur wish to me that time..(sorry tak dpt nak mention ramai lagi) Yang dapat aku mention few yg terawal je yer. .Those who remember and mengFB kan diri, aku nak amik kesempatan jugak to say thank to korang semua..Agak memberangsangkan pulak tahun nak mencapai 3 series ni, org2 dok wish..

Hmm.and the highlite of my day towards "3 Series" and penutup pada mlm on 7th March 2010 adalah bila mana aku disurprisekan di Coffee House Hotel Concorde..waduh, patutlah aku disuruh dtg sorang2 time tu..siot je, rupanyer nak kasi kek dan Batak Band nyanyikan utk aku..Very the surprise that time, tambah lak, nyanyi pulak lagu "Waliband" tu..Siot jer budak2 office aku ni.. On that occasion,aku betul2 nak ucapkan very special thank you, to one of aku nyer Big Bos, Pn.Mazrita and partner, En.Wan Rashdi, Dzul, Kak Ezati and her lovely hubby, abg mahathir, Shidah my dept colleague, Nina yg byk amik gambar aku mlm tu, huhuhu, and Zahari..All you guys Rock that nite..thanx..thanx..and thanx...Wthout korang it will  not be the celebration..Yup.yup aku happy time tu..terharu pun ada.x penah aku dikejutkan mcm tu..dpt gak rase kek cokelat chesse concorde.hhahaha..

What after that, kitaorg gi la konon2 nak hv fun layan music showcase Dayang  & Marcel, tp keciwa, sbb lagu sgt2 slow..so lepak dlm "Batu Keras" kejap je la,,Wpun byk artis dlm tu, tp the showcase not that very impak..So we all chiow awai..huhuhu..Thanx..thanx and thanx. for all that happen towards achieving that 3 series tu..mane tau kan, one day the real 3 series shall be mine. Amin...hahhaahhahaha.. "Step To The Top"
This is the precious gift and I will make my move to it..Lovely Book and I appreciate it..*wink*

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My BiGGy Day!! Syukur Nikmat Nya.....

It's My BeSTDay, Yeay! hehehe...

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Some people give the gift
of peace and tranquility
to every life they touch.
They are always who they really are.
They are blessedly reliable,
dependably good,
predictably pleasant,
loved and treasured
by all who know them.
You are one of those people.
You are a gift
of peace and tranquility
in my life.

May this day bring
You as much happiness
As you give to everyone
Who knows you

Happy Birthday!